University of Oxford Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Institute of Child Health in London on a range of scientists, language barriers in the study of patients found to determine the strength of the human language is a language determining gene called FOXP2.
This gene not only in humans, is also present in some human primate relatives such as chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, and even in rodents have found. But compared to the FOXP2 gene in these organisms, the human FOXP2 gene amino acid sequence produced three changes, two changes which occurred in about 600 million years ago, humans and chimpanzees each branch after the separation.
"FOXP2" gene of this variant protein significantly change the relevant forms, the ancestors of the human mouth and throat muscles to have more control, but the effect of this mutation for humans in terms of men and women are not fully one to.
Institute of Psychiatry in London on the same family and a woman who grew up a total of 3,000 sets of dragon and phoenix twins and found that a common result: the stage in about two years old, girls develop language skills faster than boys to some.
Mike is responsible for the study? High Swallow said, indicating that the "men and women in terms of early language skills there is a difference, and the gender language mode of action of genes is clearly influential."
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