Many people are aware, incorrect posture can cause cervical spondylosis, lumbar muscle strain and other diseases, but you know that sleeping position does not also easily lead to diseases. On the human body for adequate sleep, good quality sleep is a necessary condition for long life. In general, sleep usually has 3 positions, supine, lateral and prone. And for women, the best sleeping position is the right side.
At present, few women prone to sleep, because it is easy to make the chest compression position and affect breathing. On the developing young women, this posture will also affect the chest and breast development, so try to avoid.
Sleep on their backs seemingly does not affect the body organs, in fact, the normal anatomy of the female reproductive system, the uterus should be a forward flexion position, but found that most of the posterior uterus and supine sleeping position related.
Uterus can be in forward flexion, depends on the uterine ligaments, and then bit the uterus backward sacral hollow, especially after the bend of the uterus, so that the whole uterus are all lying within the sacral hollow, hollow block tightly to the sacrum, and presacral nerve compression, prone to backache, lower abdominal bulge and discomfort. Before menstruation, uterine body and pre-sacral soft tissue edema, increased bit easier on the nervous tissue of uterine compression, increased symptoms.
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